Amyand hernia, which is the the most frequently seen type of sliding hernia where one of the walls of hernial sac is formed by an intraabdominal organ, contains normal or inflamed appendix vermiformis in its hernial sac. Most of the cases are adult patients, and it is rarely seen in children. In addition to diagnostic difficulties encountered during preoperative period, diverse opinions have been put forth related to the management of this surgical pathology. Indeed, treatment of Amyand hernia varies according to inflammatory status of appendix contained in the hernial sac. Some authors advocated appendectomy even in cases without any evidence of appendicitis, in essence, a complete consensus has not been reached on this issue. Herein, we presented a 5-year-old male patient who was operated on with the indication of right inguinal hernia, and diagnosed intraoperatively as Amyand hernia; and aimed to discuss surgical protocol under the light of literature findings.