J Pediatr Res 2021; 8: 479-484
DOI: 10.4274/jpr.galenos.2021.79446
The change made in the article titled “Risk Factors of Hyponatremia in Children with Lower Respiratory Tract Infection (LRTI)” in the research articles section published in JPR 2021;8(4) are as follows.
Page 479
1All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology, New Delhi, India
Reported Correction;
1All India institute of Medical Sciences, Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology, Bhubaneswar, India.
Address for Correspondence
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology, New Delhi, India
Reported Correction;
Address for Correspondence
All India institute of Medical Sciences, Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology, Bhubaneswar, India