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December 2022


J Pediatr Res 2022;9(4):0-0
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Dear JPR Readers,

We are pleased to share with you the fourth issue of “The Journal of Pediatric Research” in 2022. The Journal of Pediatric Research is indexed in Web of Science-Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), Embase, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), EBSCO, British Library, CINAHL Complete Database, ProQuest, Gale/Cengage Learning, Index Copernicus, Tübitak/Ulakbim TR Index, TurkMedline, J-GATE, IdealOnline, ROOT INDEXING, Hinari, GOALI, ARDI, OARE, AGORA, EuroPub and Türkiye Citation Index.

In this issue, we present you 13 articles including 11 original research, and two case reports from different disciplines. In this issue the readers will find the opportunity to read the article about the impact of multiple viral infection in children with severe lower respiratory tract infections which are associated with increased invasive and non-invasive support.

We would like to recommend our readers to spend time for the resveratrol supplementation in intestinal epithelial culture model. In this issue there is an article about an early predictive biomarker of steroid responsiveness in the first episode of idiopathic nephrotic syndrome.

This issue includes some different topics about newborns such as less invasive surfactant administration, dermal progression of neonatal jaundice, non-invasive measurements in the diagnosis of hyperbilirubinemia and impact of multi-strain probiotic on healthcare-associated bloodstream infection incidence.

In this issue you will find the opportunity to read article about micafungin effectiveness in treating patients with candidemia and which was found to be safe and effective. Also, there is a cross-sectional study about the assessment of the existence of liver dysfunction in Indian children with HIV infection.

We would like to acknowledge the authors, the reviewers, editorial team and Galenos Publishing House for their support in the preparation of this issue. We look forward to your scientific contributions in our future issues.

Best wishes

Ebru Canda