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September 2022


J Pediatr Res 2022;9(3):0-0
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We are proud and happy to announce that the third issue of “The Journal of Pediatric Research” in 2022 has been published.

The Journal of Pediatric Research is indexed in the Web of Science-Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), Embase, the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), EBSCO, the British Library, CINAHL Complete Database, ProQuest, Gale/Cengage Learning, Index Copernicus, the Tübitak/Ulakbim TR Index, TurkMedline, J-GATE, IdealOnline, ROOT INDEXING, Hinari, GOALI, ARDI, OARE, AGORA, EuroPub, and the Türkiye Citation Index.

In this issue, we present to you 16 articles, including 13 original research studies and 3 case reports. In one article, the authors aimed to compare glucose, insulin, leptin, ghrelin, adiponectin, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels in the cord blood of newborn babies with and without fetal malnutrition. They found high adiponectin levels in the cord blood of those babies with fetal malnutrition. In this issue, you will have the opportunity to update your knowledge about allergic rhinitis and to read about its relationship with MPV. Another article describes different allergens in children and their frequency.

In this issue, there is a study which aims to compare the effects of breastfeeding and kangaroo mother care on pain levels and physiological changes associated with the hepatitis B vaccine injection in neonates. Readers will have the opportunity to read a study evaluating the impact of nurse support on chronic disease management in the pediatric intensive care unit. Additionally, there is an article evaluating the relationship between high immunoglobulin levels with respiratory functions and chronic infections in Cystic Fibrosis.

We thank the authors, referees, editorial team, and Galenos Publishing House for their support in the preparation of this issue.

We look forward to your contributions to our future issues.

Best wishes

İpek Kaplan Bulut